Another Avoidable Tragic Death In Portland-Pedestrian Killed by Driver

Yesterday a Portland man was killed by a DUII Driver as he was on the side of the road. His death was the 33 traffic fatality in Portland this year. State wide more than 400 people have been killed in car crashes. All of these deaths could be prevented if people simply followed the laws, avoided distracted driving, kept their vehicles properly maintained, and roads were properly maintained and designed.


The driver who killed the pedestrian yesterday now faces criminal charges, and will likely face a civil wrongful death lawsuit brought on behalf of the family of the victim. The family may seek millions of dollars to compensate them for their losses and punitive damages to punish the driver who killed their loved one. These cases are difficult for everyone involved, but are necessary to ensure the DUII driver is held accountable and the victim’s family is compensated for the loss of their loved one.

If you or someone you know were a pedestrian that was hit by a motor vehicle call Oregon Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawyer Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. Ross Law is happy to provide free case evaluations for personal injury clients and has represented clients throughout the state of Oregon.