distracted driving

PUT THE PHONE DOWN! Penalties for Using Your Phone and Driving Are Increasing

I have written a few articles on the dangers of texting and driving.   Last year bills were passed in Oregon that were intended to curb the distracted driving epidemic.   The new law closed a loophole regarding texting and driving so that it prevents people from driving with a mobile device in their hands.  More importantly, the Oregon law raised the penalties for people that can't resist the urge to use their mobile device while driving a vehicle. 


The new law takes effect on July 1, 2018, and will subject some violators to a fine of up to $2,500.00 and six months in jail.  More specifically if a habitual distracted driver is convicted of three offenses in ten years they will face a fine of $2,500.00  and six months in jail. First-time offenders are looking at a minimum of a $130.00 fine.   (Click here to read more on distracted driving penalties.)

It is a no-brainer that it is unsafe to use a mobile device and drive, but people still do not get it.  People know that distracting driving kills people.  People know they can be fined.  People also know that personal injury lawyers like myself will use the civil justice system to hold distracted drivers accountable.  However, drivers continue to use their mobile devices while driving.  Hopefully, this new law will help pound it into people's heads that distracted driving will not be tolerated.  It is simply too dangerous. 

If you, or someone you know, has been involved in a car crash with a person that was using their phone while driving, call Portland personal injury lawyer Jeremiah Ross.  Ross Law PDX offers free case evaluations to persons injured in car crashes on Oregon's roads.   Please do not use this post as legal advice, as the law is constantly changing. Please consult with a lawyer if you are involved in an incident involving distracted driving.  Please remember this blog may be considered ATTORNEY ADVERTISING.

Using Your Cell Phone While Driving Is Dangerous, But It May Also Cost You A Lot of Money

It has been a few years since Oregon lawmakers have outlawed using a cellular phone device while driving.   However, people continue to use their phones while driving.  Deaths and injuries that are caused by texting and driving are on the rise.  In fact, every three hours a crash in Oregon is caused by distracted driving.  It appears the existing small fines that may be imposed are not have the desired effect, and some lawmakers are attempting to crack down on distracted driving.

There is currently a bill in Salem that would allow a judge to impose up to a $2,000.00 fine on a person caught holding their mobile electronic device while on the roads.  The current law has minimal fines and is difficult to enforce due to its poorly drafted language.   The new bill just passed the Oregon House.  Hopefully the law will pass and deter others from using their mobile devices while driving.  However, if it doesn't there will always be personal injury attorneys like myself who are willing to hold a distracted driver that injures another accountable in Court. 

If you or someone you know was injured by a distracted driver or a person using their cell phone, call Ross Law LLC at 503.224.1658.  Jeremiah Ross is happy to provide a free personal injury case evaluation.  Please note this article is meant for information purposes only and could be considered ATTORNEY ADVERTISING.  Please consult with a lawyer if you have questions about your personal injury case or any other legal question 

The Rain Is Back-Can You Get a Ticket For Going The Posted Speed Limit in The Rain?

This week the rain has returned, and so have the numerous terrible drivers that continue to speed through the rain.   You would think that Portland Oregon drivers would be excellent drivers in the rain.  However, it appears just the opposite is true.  

Many drivers drive too fast in the rain and then cause a crash.   Many of these crashes during rush  hour are rear end collisions.   These rear end collisions often can cause soft tissue injuries to a person's neck (whiplash type injuries), back, and often the driver's left shoulder can be injured from the seat belt tightening.  Some of the crashes can be more serious resulting in significant injures.   

The "bad drivers" that cause the crash probably feel horrible for causing a crash and injuring a person.  However, they may be surprised if they get a ticket even if they were going the posted speed limit in the rain.   They also may be surprised if a personal injury lawyer like myself files a lawsuit claiming they were negligent even though they were going the posted speed limit in the rain.  

This is due to the fact that there is a "basic speed rule" in Oregon.   ORS 811.100 is a law that notes a person violates the law if they drive a vehicle at a speed greater thaan is reasonable and prudent.  The law then lists certain issues that a driver must account for in determining whether or not their speed is reasonable and prudent.  These issues include weather, traffic, visibility, and other conditions.  ORS 811.100 (4) specifically notes that a person may be given a traffic citation if their speed is lower than the posted speed limit.  

The bottom line is that you should slow down to a reasonable speed in rainy conditions.  If you don't and cause a crash you may face a traffic fine.  Even worse you may injure someone and have to answer to a Personal Injury Attorney like myself to explain why you shouldn't be held accountable for injuring another person.

If you, or someone you know, has been injured in an Oregon car crash, call Portland Oregon Personal Injury Attorney Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658.    Ross Law LLC provides free personal injury consultations and works on a contingency fee in personal injury cases.   Please remember the law is constantly changing and it is best to contact a personal injury ticket.



Distracted Driving Kills, But Should We Have a Law Outlawing Eating and Driving?

As a personal injury attorney I am constantly exposed to the gruesome consequences of distracted driving.  My clients are typically injured by someone that is driving and not paying attention.  These injuries can range from bruises, soft tissue and whiplash type of injuries to serious catastrophic injuries that require hospitalization, surgery, and months of rehabilitation.   I never get to meet some clients because they were killed by the negligence of another.

With that said, there is an interesting law being proposed in New Jersey to attempt to outlaw anything that can result in unsafe driving.  I have not seen the text of the bill, but reports note that it is aimed with outlawing a driver from participating in any activity that is unrelated to the safe operation of a motor-vehicle. Lawmakers are attempting to make roads safer by outlawing things like shaving and driving, putting make-up on while driving, watching a movie on a ipad while driving, and all of the various other distracting things people do while driving. Depending on the language of the law, it may be challenged on Constitutional grounds for being over-broad. 

A compilation of teen driver vehicle crashes caused by driver distraction.

In any event, I agree with the spirit of the law, but have concerns about its Constitutionality and the power it may provide law enforcement.  Distracted driving is an issue that needs to be addressed.  An article noted that according to the AAA foundation for Traffic Safety, the three main sources of distracted driving are:  

1) Visual (failing to keep a proper lookout)

2) Manual (taking hands off of the wheel)

3) Cognitive (thinking about something else aside from driving)

Those results are in line with the  personal injury cases I see. The AAA study noted that studying whether or not a person is thinking about something aside from driving is the most difficult thing to study.  This seems  fairly obvious, because it is impossible to see into a person's actual thoughts in real time.  For example, it is difficult to prove a person caused a crash because they were day dreaming. 

At the end of the day what does this mean for Oregon drivers?  The data seems to question whether or not these laws are effective.  However, I am sure more studies will pop out of the wood work affirming the validity of these laws.  

I think everyone will agree that texting and driving is unsafe and should be outlawed even if the empirical data from one particular group does not conclude it is.  Should Oregon Law Makers want to eliminate distracted driving, they can probably look to the current Oregon Revised Statutes that outlaw: texting while driving (ORS 811.507), careless driving (ORS 811.135), and reckless driving (ORS 811.140).  Oregon lawmakers may need to decide whether these laws provide a sufficient deterrent to distracting driving.  

Until the lawmakers address the issue, I will be here to hold distracted drivers accountable for the harms and losses they cause to my clients.   If you or a person you know is injured as a result of distracting driving, please call Portland personal injury attorney Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658.   Please call Ross Law LLC today for your free personal injury consultation.