Uber Demands Confidentiality Clause to Settle Lawsuits

Uber is in the news again in Oregon as a result of one of its drivers brutally raping a passenger numerous times in Medford, Oregon. Our blog has previously noted the various incidents of sexual abuse of Uber passengers by ride-share drivers. As predicted, the incidents are becoming more prevalent. However, we are often not hearing about all of the incidents because Uber Technologies and Raiser LLC insist on confidentiality clauses and non-disparagement clauses (clauses that prevent a person from speaking freely about Uber, the incident, and/or any settlement) in order to resolve any claim the injured party may have.


It is obvious why Uber would want to sweep its negligence under the rug. The less people know about the number of incidents and types of incidents caused by an Uber Driver, the safer the Uber appears. These confidentiality clauses are a growing trend and Uber (through Allstate Insurance) is even insisting that our client sign a confidentiality clause in a car crash case involving an Uber Driver. From the perspective of the injured party, this is flat out wrong.

If you or someone you know has been injured or assaulted by an Uber driver and have questions about your options, please contact Oregon Personal Injury Lawyer Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. Ross Law PDX is happy to provide a free personal injury case evaluation. Please note that this blog articulates the opinions of Ross Law PDX based on our training and experiences as a personal injury law firm.